Friday afternoon, Marvel announced Immortal Hulk scribe Al Ewing would end up taking the reins for Guardians of the Galaxy in January. With the announcement, the House of Ideas also released Juann Cabal’s first cover for the series and surprisingly enough, Rocket Raccoon is front and center in some swanky duds that make it look like he’s about to score a lead role on the next Miami Vice reboot.
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If you’ve been following along with the current run, you’ll know things are pretty grim for everyone’s favorite raccoon as he’s essentially on life-support in the waning moments of his life. Unless the cover ends up being a giant red herring, this would seem to suggest that not only does Rocket survive, but he seemingly returns back to normal health.
As it stands now, Moondragon and Groot have gone to Halfword in an effort to coax Rocket back to the team to help them take down the Universal Church of Truth, which has captured most of Marvel’s cosmic heroes. After a harrowing origin retelling for Rocket, the character eventually decided to help out with the assistance of an enormous mech suit he assembled.
Coincidentally enough, Rocket’s new suit looks similar to that he wore in the Rocket (2017) mini-series Ewing previously wrote where he led a batch of space pirates on an intergalactic heist. It has yet to be revealed if any of the new characters introduced in that run will manage to find their way into the new Guardians title.
The solicitation for Guardians of the Galaxy #10 โ due out October 16th โ can be found below.
Mary Jane Variant Cover by Arthur Adams
โข The threat of the Universal Church of Truth looms large over the cosmos!
โข As the galaxy threatens to crumble under the onslaught of the Patriarch’s growing power, Rocket’s struggle to hold his failing body together has reached critical status!
โข The only question is: can he hold on long enough to make a difference?
32 PGS./Rated T+ โฆ$3.99
Have you been keeping up with the current Guardians of the Galaxy run? Let us know your thoughts on the series in the comments below or by tweeting me at @AdamBarnhardt to chat all things cosmic Marvel!