How Exactly Avengers: Endgame Bonus Content Will Be Incorporated Into Re-Release Revealed

In an e-mail to projectionists, film giant Technicolor has inadvertently provided fans with [...]

In an e-mail to projectionists, film giant Technicolor has inadvertently provided fans with insight as to how the additional footage being added onto Avengers: Endgame will change the theatrical experience from previous weeks. One big takeaway? It seems like this reissue is being done primarily for hardcore Marvel fans and working with the assumption that those in the theater have already seen Endgame at least once. We can say that with some confidence because the Spider-Man: Homecoming trailer, which spoils key elements from the end of Avengers: Endgame, has been moved from the end of the movie to the beginning, with its introduction (which warned fans of the spoilers to come) removed.

Beyond that, the changes are more or less what one might expect. The Spider-Man trailer is moving from the end to the beginning, but a bonus features reel will be added to the end of the film, presumably inclusive of the deleted scene and Stan Lee tribute that have been teased as part of the re-release package. Another introduction, this one presumably less spoiler-phobic and more celebratory, has been added to the beginning of the film. You can see the full rundown in the message below, via the Marvel Studios subreddit.

I work as a projectionist and we got this email from the distributor about timing details with the Endgame Rerelease from r/marvelstudios

Every movie from Marvel Studios' last decade has all built toward the events of Avengers: Endgame, and now the film -- currently #2 on the list of the highest-grossing movies of all time -- has a real shot at being the first box office champ in 20 years that wasn't directed by James Cameron. Not only is the studio reissuing the movie with new footage attached, but actors like Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr., who helped make the Marvel Cinematic Universe into the juggernaut it is, are rooting for the film's re-release, hyping up Avengers: Endgame 's campaign to surpass Cameron's Avatar (which, in turn, had surpassed Cameron's Titanic to take the top spot).

Avengers: Endgame returns to theaters with a re-release this weekend (probably NOT with Superman in it, but who knows?), ahead of Spider-Man: Far From Home on July 2nd. Captain Marvel is available wherever movies are sold.