
Iron Man 3: Photos From The Docks, Night 2

Iron Man 3 is back in production again tonight at the Port of Wilmington in North Carolina. […]
Iron Man 3

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is back in production again tonight at the Port of Wilmington in North Carolina. Tonight, it looks as though they’ve got Gwyneth Paltrow on the set, with a casting notice posted at the Caged Heat Casting Facebook page earlier today asking for an athletic, blonde woman of slender build that people are speculating may be for a body double for Pepper Potts.Permits for the shoot call for choppers, explosions, gunfire and three stars and ten extras. A casting notice earlier in the week called for fit, military types for extras.For the stars on-hand, we’re thinking probably Paltrow, Robert Downey, Jr. and a villain, since the casting notice for the blonde specified she must be okay with heights–but then again, rumors that Pepper might be taking on the Rescue armor could suggest that she’s in the scene with just about anybody, not necessarily needing Tony or Rhodie for assistance.Says our reporter on the scene,

“Logic tells me that it’s Stark ,Potts, and either the Mandarin or Guy Pearce.”So the military guys could be the same guys we reported on (Secret Service looking and military) from a few months ago, when we speculated that the scene was Stark meeting the Mandarin.”But I have no sources or anything–it’s just speculation.”

The photos from tonight are a bit more explosive than last night’s, but still of the same basic set on the docks. Last night it looked like it could be rigged up as a fake cruise ship or something, but today a closer look seems a bit more likely to be just a dock in the film–with an outside chance of something like an oil rig.