Josh Brolin Is Calling Marvel About Whether His Cable Will Join the Marvel Cinematic Universe

After the films Avengers: Endgame and Deadpool 2, it seems like Josh Brolin is in a precarious [...]

After the films Avengers: Endgame and Deadpool 2, it seems like Josh Brolin is in a precarious position for his role as two major Marvel characters. While Thanos was recently killed (twice, no less) in the latest Marvel Studios movie, the fact that he's still alive and well in Fox's X-Men franchise might cause some confusion, given that the company was recently purchased by Disney.

Disney and Marvel Studios have made it clear that they plan to continue Fox's Deadpool franchise, which ended with the Merc' With the Mouth joining forces with Domino and Cable for future adventures. So will Brolin return to the Marvel Cinematic Universe as the time-traveling mutant known as Cable?

Well, even Brolin isn't sure what's going on right now, and he admitted that he's actively calling Disney in hopes of figuring it out.

While appearing at ACE Comic Con Seattle, Brolin was asked by a fan about his possible dual roles in the MCU after Fox was purchased by Disney.

"Wait, Disney bought Fox?!" Brolin replied as a joke. "I don't know what's going to happen. I'm actually, I've been calling them, like, 'What's the deal with Cable, man?' Seriously, 100 percent serious. They're figuring it out. It's a big world now, it just got much, much bigger. So who knows."

Cable figured to be a huge part of the planned X-Force movie which was rumored to feature Deadpool and Domino, taking place before Deadpool 3. But now that the sale has been finalized, and Disney plans to follow up the franchise with another film, it's unclear how Disney and Marvel Studios will proceed.

These are, of course, great problems for Marvel Studios to have. They aren't kicking themselves for being backed into a corner, but instead are probably celebrating that they have such a conundrum that they have to work out. Brolin's Thanos is likely done in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but that doesn't mean the actor has to walk away.

Of course, all of this is contingent on what Marvel Studios decides to do with the X-Men franchise. Even if they do move forward with a hard sequel for Deadpool, that character is one of the most versatile superheroes that he could actually acknowledge the fact that he's been "rebooted" on screen, and the audience would still go along for the ride.

Disney and Marvel Studios still are not forthright on their plans for Deadpool or the X-Men. But now that the ink is dried and the next phase for the MCU is kicking off, it shouldn't be too long before we hear what they have planned.