Loki Composer Teases Work on Season 2

Loki's composer teased her work on Season 2 of the Disney+ series. Discussing Film caught up with Natalie Holt before the trip back to the TVA begins. Last season, the composer's score effortlessly set the mood for the multidimensional bureaucracy that fans ended up loving. The synth work and moody soundscapes made Mobius' workplace take shape from the first moments inside of those tan walls. Holt explained that things might be a hair different, but there is some foundation there for both she and the directors to build off of. One of the main advantages Loki Season 2 has over some of the other DIsney+ shows so far is that it's building off of the first edition. While other series have to work to establish a tone and theme for a different part of the Marvel universe, fans are going to be very aware what the Tom Hiddleston series is going for in the first seconds of the second season. Check out what she told Discussing Film right here.

"Hopefully, the tone is already established [for Loki Season 2]. The editors have got everything from season one and I know that they're already kind of putting it in there," she mused. "So yeah, like you're not starting from scratch because we've established something."

Comicbook.com had a chance to speak to the Loki Season 1 composer before the season finale got underway. She was promising big things, and the show did not disappoint. 

"I have to say, I think the most I was able to push it was in episode six," Holt began. "I can't really say more than that, but episode six feels... I scored the end of episode six first, so I knew where I was going, and everything felt like it was seeding that whole kind of thing. I definitely was like, 'This is so cool that I can do this, and I'm being allowed to do this.'"

"And all the things I was asking for, like a huge brass section and a big choir," Holt added. "We weren't talking about that at the beginning, but it just kind of grew and grew. And the forces that I was using were becoming bigger and bigger and they were just like, 'We'll support you. If this is what you need to do what you want to do, then we'll give it to you.' And I thought that was amazing, to just have the support and the resources. It's been an amazing process and I've just been supported in my vision the whole time. It's like a dream, to be honest."

Are you excited for Loki Season 2? Let us know down in the comments!