A strange new threat is landing in the Marvel Universe this October. The five-week Contagion event will tell the tale of a strange force that possesses the inhabitants of New York City. Heroes like the Thing, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, and Moon Knight will have to team up to stop it.
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The five-issue miniseries is written by Ed Brisson (X-Force). He’s teaming with artists Roge Antonio, Stephen Segovia, Mack Chater, Damian Couciero, and Adam Gorham.
“I cannot wait for readers to see this story,” says editor Jake Thomas. “It’s a different kind of threat than our heroes are usually up against, and watching all their usual defenses crumble is going to be crazy exciting, and more than a little scary! We’ve assembled a great team of artists, and Ed Brisson is firing on all cylinders, doing some of the creepiest, funniest, and most emotionally taut writing of his career. It’s everything you want out of a big, crazy Marvel event, all packed into one wild month!”
“When Jake Thomas hit me up in January to work on Contagion, he sold the series to me as a street-level, horror event,” said Brisson. “Obviously, Jake knows that I’m a huge street-level guy, but he also knows that I’m a horror junkie. He and I have talked for hours about horror films, so I think he knew it was an easy sell for me. I’m thrilled: finally, I can put an entire lifetime of rotting my brain with horror flicks to good use.”
Brisson continued, “The threat is a new one, something the Marvel Universe hasn’t seen before. It’s not often that you really get to build a new bad from the ground up and that’s been a real exciting challenge here. Our heroes are unprepared for it. This thing is indiscriminate, it’s unpredictable and it’s unbeatable. I’m trying out some bonkers stuff in the series, really pushing a lot of characters to the brink — some of them are characters I’ve been wanting to get my hands on since starting at Marvel.”
Are you excited about Contagion? Let us know in the comments. Keep reading to see all of Juan Jose Ryp‘s covers for the event.
Contagion #1-#5 (of 5)
Ed Brisson (W) Roge Antonio, Stephen Segovia, Mack Chater, Damian Couciero, & Adam Gorham (A)
Covers by Juan Jose Ryp
Vertical Connecting Variant Covers Issues #1-#5 by Ryan Browne
A seemingly unstoppable force has invaded the Marvel Universe, and it’s going to take every hero the streets of New York has to stop it! A strange substance is taking over heroes and citizens alike, draining them of their life force, stealing their knowledge and abilities, and neither science nor magic can stop it! Where did it come from? Can anything destroy it? And who will fall to its awful, overwhelming power?
32 pgs (each)
Parental Advisory
$3.99 (each)
Contagion #1 (of 5)

Contagion #2 (of 5)

Contagion #3 (of 5)

Contagion #4 (of 5)

Contagion #5 (of 5)