The Goldbergs creator Adam Goldberg is co-writing a new Damage Control series at Marvel. CBR revealed August’s five-issue Damage Control miniseries from writers Goldberg, Hans Rodionoff, and Charlotte Fullerton, and artists Will Robson and Jay Fosgitt. Cover art by Carlos Pacheco and Robson features heroes such as She-Hulk, Moon Knight, Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes), Nightcrawler, and Quicksilver, who will be a part of the cast. Damage Control centers on the company that helps clean up the destruction left behind after a superhero battle takes place. The organization has appeared in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with Michael Keaton’s Adrian Toomes, aka Vulture, being its most notable employee.
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Adam Goldberg created the ABC sitcom The Goldbergs, which was recently renewed for a tenth season. He revealed how he’s always been a fan of the Damage Control concept. “Damage Control has always been our favorite part of the Marvel Universe ever since it made its debut back in the 80s,” Goldberg said. “[Hans and I] literally cheered when Damage Control made an appearance inย Spider-Man: Homecomingย and then again when they returned inย Spider-Man: No Way Home. And yes, we saw both those movies together.” Hans added, “We’re both huge Marvel fans, and we also loveย The Office, so we knewย Damage Controlย had all the makings of a really fun show. It’s a workplace comedy where Captain Marvel might visit your cubicle or you could end up doing trust falls with Thor at the company retreat.”
“We got to do a little world-building and expand the mythology,” Goldberg continued. “And we also got to do a ton of really fun cameos, which is always one of the best parts of Damage Control comics… and those cameos absolutely must be part of the eventual show as well!” Hans agreed, “While we’re on the subject, I’d like to put a stop to the long-standing rumor that Damage Control is just a stepping stone to S.H.I.E.L.D. Not taking anything away from super-spies and enhanced operatives, but working at Damage Control is a true privilege and an honor. True story: I’ve seriously contemplated trying to get a job at Avengers Campus, just so I can get myself a Damage Control baseball cap and cargo vest.”

The Damage Control synopsis reads, “Marvel’s Unsung Heroes finally get sung! After the mega-powered battles and Hulk-level catastrophes, Damage Control is always there to clean up the mess and get things back to normal. But Damage Control is much more than just a glorified cleanup crew, and this new series will pull back the curtain and reveal the secret inner workings that were previously only available to people with Clearance Level Eight. And we’ll witness it all through the eyes of Gus: a fresh-faced, eager newcomer to the company who has no idea how chaotic his life is about to become.”
What do you think of the new Damage Control comic? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!