Secret Empire ended with the true Captain America making his way back, but what happened to Hydra Cap?
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Spoilers incoming for Secret Empire: Omega #1, so if you haven’t read it you’ve been warned.
While his empire has fallen, that doesn’t mean Marvel is done with Hydra Cap just yet, and fans learn of his fate in Secret Empire: Omega #1. Steve Rogers has to confront his living demons so to speak, and his quest leads fans to Shadow Pillar.
Shadow Pillar is a black site prison that is not on American soil. As Rogers makes his way inside, he reveals that the prison only houses one prisoner, and that is revealed to be Hydra Cap. As the two converse about the events that led them here, Hydra Cap manages to reveal a few notable facts. He relays to Rogers how he didn’t force his way into power, but simply took the power America offered him. He points out that it was Congress, not him, that passed the Shield act, giving him essentially absolute command.
He also mentioned how he didn’t build the planetary defense shield, a project that instead was helmed by Maria Hill and Carol Danvers. Pleasant Hill wasn’t him either, and neither was the Red Skull’s version of Hydra.
In short, he didn’t break any laws, as insane as that might seem.
One of the last things Hydra Cap mentions is that there were many who willingly called themselves Hydra, and now that they’ve seen what a Hydra ruled empire could look like, they’ll try and bring that way of life back.
Their time is cut short as the prison’s security recovers from Rogers’ infiltration. He leaves before they break in the cell, and when security rushes in a soldier pins Hydra Cap to the wall. After yelling at him to get to the wall, he whispers “Hail Hydra” in his ear, letting him know that he’s not alone here, and you can bet he’ll make it out of this cell somewhere down the line.
You can view the spoiler images in the gallery.
Secret Empire: Omega #1 is written by Nick Spencer with art by Andrea Sorrentino and a cover by Mark Brooks. You can find the official description below.
Hydra has fallen, but the world is still not secure! As the heroes of the Marvel Universe stir from the wreckage of the battlefield, the inevitable rebuilding must begin. However, one question hangs in the air over the proceedings: What redemption can there be for Captain America?
Secret Empire: Omega #1 is in comic shops now.

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