Marvel Comics and Diamond Comic Distributors have revealed a first look at the Glow in the Dark Cosmic Cube promotional item being released as a tie-in to Marvel’s Secret Empire event.
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Here are the specs on the item:
Marvel is excited to announce free bundles of Glow in the Dark Cosmic Cubes (Bundle of 25)* (MAR178810) to coincide with the on sale date of Secret Empire #6!
Each cosmic cube measures 1-1/2″ x 1-1/2″ x 1-1/2″ and is made of High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS). The bag they are being bundled in measures 9″ x 9″ x 2″.
Secret Empire #6 (MAY170763) and the Glow in the Dark Cosmic Cubes will be available at your local comic shop on July 12th!
*Reality warping capabilities not included.

The Cosmic Cube is a major plot device and character in the saga of Secret Empire. It was SHIELD’s use of the fragments of a Cosmic Cube in Project Kobik that set everything into motion. Those fragments reformed and took on a human persona, the young girl who named herself Kobik.
SHIELD used Kobik to create the suburban prison for supervillains called Plesant Hill, using Kobik’s reality warping powers to rewrite each villain’s personality. SHIELD was unaware that Kobik had already befriended the Red Skull.
The Red Skull set a plan into motion to defeat his greatest enemy, Captain America, by corrupting him. Steve Rogers was an old man at the time, having been deprived of the super soldier serum that had previously coursed through his blood and made him into a peak human specimen. Kobik restored Rogers to peak physical form but rewrote his entire history so that, even as Captain America, Rogers was always a double agent for Hydra.
It is now Captain America’s belief that the allies used a Cosmic Cube to rewrite reality so that Hydra lost the war. He also believes that the Red Skull, who was loyal to the Third Reich, corrupted Hydra’s true purpose and caused it to fall. Seeking to avenge both perceived misdeeds, Captain America staged a Hydra coup of America.
Kobik, meanwhile, had joined the Thunderbolts and was under the Winter Soldier’s protection. Things went bad and Kobik shattered into pieces again but was scattered across the planet. Now Captain America is seeking Kobik’s pieces so that he remake the world as he remembers it while his former Avengers allies are seeking those same pieces to revert Captain America to his former self.
The Cosmic Cube hits stores on July 12, the same day that Secret Empire #6 arrives in stores.
Secret Empire #6
(W) Nick Spender (A) Leinil Francis Yu (CA) Mark Brooks
The unworthy, the untrusted, the unstable – this is their day! BEWARE THE SECRET EMPIRE!
Rated T+
In Shops: Jul 12, 2017
SRP: $3.99
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