This March, fans worldwide cannot miss the prologue to the biggest pop culture comic event of the year as Marvel is pleased to unveil the trade dress and cover to Avengers VS. X-Men #0! Just before the Avengers and the X-Men go head to head, superstar creators Brian Michael Bendis, Jason Aaron & Frank Cho set up the crucial roles of the Scarlet Witch and Hope Summers in the coming storm. With all eyes on Wanda and the Mutant Messiah, both sides have already made up their mind on where allegiances SHOULD lie …but what about those caught in the middle? The drums of war are beating and fans should be ready for the essential opening to the event that will change everything you know about the Marvel Universe in Avengers VS. X-Men #0!You’ve heard It’s Coming—and this April The War Is Here in Avengers VS X-Men! All your favorite super heroes enter—and only one team will emerge victorious!Which team will reign supreme? Join the conversation on Twitter with #AvX!For more on Avengers VS X-Men, please visit https://avx.marvel.comAVENGERS VS. X-MEN #0Written by BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS & JASON AARONArt & Cover by FRANK CHOON SALE THIS MARCH!
Marvel Unveils AVENGERS VS. X-MEN #0 Cover!
This March, fans worldwide cannot miss the prologue to the biggest pop culture comic event of the […]