Marvel's X-Men Relaunch Takes the Cyclops, Wolverine, Jean Grey Love Triangle to the Next Level

Marvel is relaunching the entire X-Men franchise with this week's 'Dawn of X' relaunch event, [...]

Marvel is relaunching the entire X-Men franchise with this week's "Dawn of X" relaunch event, which begins with Jonathan Hickman's X-Men #1. In this very new and different take on the X-Men world, Hickman takes us inside of "Summer House," a section of Krakoa that Cyclops establishes on the Blue Area of the Moon, as a home for his family and close friends. As we spend a day in the life of the Summers family, there are several clues that Hickman drops that now have fans buzzing. One of the most surprising reveals is sprinkled nonchalantly into one of Hickman's X-Men #1 charts, and it reveals that Dawn of X is taking the classic love triangle between Cyclops, Wolverine, and Jean Grey to a scandalous new level!

Take a look at a breakdown of the X-Men #1 chart that details the bedroom assignments at Summer House, and see if you notice anything... titillating:

If you aren't an architecture expert, what this chart basically reveals is that Cyclops and Wolverine have rooms on either side of Jean Grey's room in Summer House and these three adjoining rooms have open passageways between them, which would allow both Wolverine and Cyclops to move freely in and out of Jean's room without any scrutiny from anyone in the main hallway. We'll let your imagination do the rest.

Now, you may be skeptical, and think that Marvel fans are jumping to conclusions about what's going on between Cyclops, Wolverine, and Jean Grey, these days. However, House of X tease that there is something seriously scandalous happening in Summer House:

If you go back and revisit Powers of X #4, you'll recall the story of how Prof. X and Magneto made an unholy pact with Mr. Sinister before the X-Men were ever formed. That agreement was struck on site at Bar Sinister, the villain's private refuge for himself and all his clones. As part of the Bar Sinister scene, Hickman included a chart modeled after a mock gossip column from Bar Sinister's news network - the column was filled with "Blind Items" making reference to things happening in and around the X-Men universe, without naming any names. See if you can now place this entry, knowing what you know about the Summer House rooming chart:

"SINISTER SECRET #5 - He's the best there is at what he does. She's married with a kid. The husband knows exactly what's going on, but who is he to point the finger? He's up to much the same, and more. Maybe this is just the new normal on the mutant island."

It seems all but certain after X-Men #1 that Sinister if referring to the new Scott-Jean-Logan love triangle. The final scenes of House of X #6 showed the X-Men and all their mutant brethren having a big party on Krakoa. If you go back and look again, that sequence suggests that Scott, Jean, Logan, and Emma Frost are all definitely getting down with some kind of Polyamorous arrangement:

Marvel X-Men 1 Hickman Reveals Cylops Wolverine Jean Grey Love Triangle Threesome Polyamorouspng
House of X 6 Scott Jean Wolverine Emma Frost Polyamorous Relationship

(Photo Credit: Marvel Comics)

While it's titillating in a juvenile way, it's also a development that makes sense in Hickman's new X-Men world. House of X was all about mutants entering a bold new era of their own cultural awakening, which has been in part defined by creating a culture separate and different than human culture, without the smallness of human thinking. That's led to a bold new form of mutant government, and revolutionary new Mutant Laws, and apparently also some very progressive new views on monogamy and marriage.

Or, as both the Sinister Secret and this panel from House of X #6 (see below) both suggest, Scott and Jean have accepted the other love interests in each others lives (Wolverine, Emma Frost), and are done fighting it. Either way: we cannot wait to see where this goes:

House of X and Powers of X are now done, with six issues of each book available for sale. Jonathan Hickman's X-Men #1 is also now on sale.