The Falcon and the Winter Solider moved forward with its finale this past week, and it stuck the landing to the delight of fans. The big finish not only reshaped the way Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes are seen in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but it brought some surprises along the way. After all, the return of Sharon Carter wrapped up loose ends across the board, and her new role in the MCU is one nobody saw coming.
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The whole thing came to light when the finale “One World, One People” went live. The episode checked in on Sharon as her shady dealings behind the scene became clear. The feared Power Broker trailing Karli Morgenthau is none other than Sharon. The disgraced CIA agent has set up an empire for herself in Madripoor, and the finale cements her status as a villain in the MCU.

As you can imagine, Sharon still holds hard feelings about her treatment following Captain America: Civil War. The hero was disavowed by her country for helping Captain America’s cause, and she was left on her own from there on out. With no Avengers willing to vet her case, Sharon turned to a life in the underground to survive, and she amassed wealth as the Power Broker. Her identity confirms Sharon only helped Sam and Bucky for her own means, and she got them in the end.
The finale of The Falcon and the Winter Solider ends with Sharon pardoned and returned to her former CIA post. She accepts the offer with joy, but that is only because of the intel she’ll get on the job. Sharon is first and foremost the Power Broker, and the show ended with Sharon telling a contact she’ll have tons of national secrets to sell shortly. She may not be able to sell Super-Soldier serum anymore, but when it comes to dealing secrets for cash, Sharon will be unrivaled soon.
Sharon’s new status as a MCU villain is a bold choice, and it will be followed up on before long. It has been reported that Captain America 4 is in the works at Marvel Studios, and it will see Sam take up the shield on the big screen. There is a good chance he will be forced to deal with Sharon’s growing base, so fans shouldn’t expect the Power Broker to disappear anytime soon.
What do you think about Sharon’s turn in the MCU? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.