Mark Ruffalo Wishes Fellow MCU Spoiler Tom Holland A Happy Birthday

The first of June is Tom Holland's birthday, and most of the Marvel fandom has been celebrating [...]

The first of June is Tom Holland's birthday, and most of the Marvel fandom has been celebrating the Spider-Man star's born day. That fandom also happens to include Marvel superstar Mark Ruffalo, who took a moment to take to his Twitter and wish a happy birthday to his Infinity War and Endgame costar. In fact, Ruffalo offered his birthday wishes in the best way possible — by claiming Holland is the biggest spoiler in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe.

"Happy Birthday to the one who spoils more about the MCU than me and my fellow @Russo_Brothers twin, @TomHolland1996," Ruffalo tweeted Tuesday.

Both Ruffalo and Holland have become infamous for "accidentally" letting spoilers slip out during the massive press tours associated with Marvel movies, with the two often joking with each other about the slip-ups. In a convention appearance in 2019, Holland reminded a massive crowd at Salt Lake City's FanX convention that Ruffalo spoiled the entire ending of Avengers: Infinity War.

"I've spoiled a few things, but Mark Ruffalo said that everybody dies at the end of Infinity War," the actor explained. "But the thing is, no one took him seriously. Like if I had said that, everyone would be like, 'yeah, it probably happens, yeah.'"

"I mean, Mark live-streamed the first 20 minutes of Thor by accident. I didn't so that," Holland quickly added.

Despite that, Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige has even gone on record defending both of the actors and their spoilery ways.

"The truth is that Tom is amazing, and has kept a lot of secrets. About the two-millionth time it came up about him being terrible with secrets, he came up to me and said, 'You know, I do keep a lot of secrets...' I know, but it's a thing now, a fun thing, so let's lean into it. And he'll go off and spoil something else. We did not take any special measures for Tom or Mark Ruffalo, who has a tendency to let his phone record at all times and all places. But they're also both so lovely that you can't get that mad."

Holland's Spider-Man: No Way Home enters theaters on December 17th while She-Hulk has yet to set a release date.

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