The Avengers: Infinity War trailer is coming soon, and there might not be someone more excited for than Tom Holland.
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The Russo Brothers teased a new trailer to fans, saying ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE TRAILER INFINITY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ. The message will likely be followed by a trailer soon, and Tom Holland couldn’t more thrilled, as he quickly posted a response saying “What when when????” The Russo’s replied with another tease, saying “Give Trailer Infinity…”
Reddit captured this exchange in the best way, adding an image of Tom Holland with a seriously anxious look on his face. That reaction is probably quite accurate, as Holland and the rest of the cast are most likely not sure when the trailer is dropping either.
Marvel tends to be super secret about these things, and you can multiply that secrecy by 10 when it comes to Avengers: Infinity War. For certain actors like Holland and Mark Ruffalo, that secrecy is locked down even tighter, as both have been known to accidentally drop a secret or two.
In fact, Holland previously revealed that for certain fights in Infinity War, he was completely unaware of who he was actually fighting, which can make delivering a believable sequence more difficult.
“I remember for Avengers, the Russo Brothers are like ‘so you’re just standing here, and you’re fighting this guy and just do whatever’ and I’m like, ‘okay, who am I fighting?’” Holland recalled. “And they were like ‘well, we can’t tell you because it’s a secret.’ I’m like, ‘okay so what does he look like?’ And they’re like ‘well, we can’t tell you because that would give it away, so I’m like ‘how big is he?’ ‘Well, we can’t tell you because that would give it away.’ So, I’m just standing there punching the air for 15 minutes and when I took the job I didn’t think that’s what I’d be doing. I’ve gotten used to it now.”
Fans don’t have to wait much longer to see that fight, as Avengers: Infinity War lands in theaters on April 27.