Marvel Celebrates National Pancake Day With Uncanny X-Men Pancakes

Tuesday was National Pancake Day, and Marvel Comics celebrated on social media in a delightfully [...]

Tuesday was National Pancake Day, and Marvel Comics celebrated on social media in a delightfully unexpected way.

The official Marvel Comics Twitter account recently shared a video, in which pancake artist Dr. Dan Cake creates edible renderings of several X-Men characters. You can check it out below.

While these pancakes do look pretty appetizing, Tuesday brought a pretty big relevation for X-Men fans, with word that the landmark deal between Disney and 20th Century Fox is expected to close within the next week. This will mean that the X-Men, as well as other characters currently under Fox's umbrella, can eventually make appearances in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

"Not until we're given the word," Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige said of X-Men entering the MCU last year. "I have vague dreams and vague ideas. But right now, bringing to life the 10,000-plus characters that Marvel fully controls is what the gameplan is."

"The truth is, I'm excited or all of them," Feige told MTV News in a later interview, regarding not only the X-Men, but the Fantastic Four as well. "I'm excited, and it's not just the marquee names you know -- there are hundreds of names on those documents, on those agreements. And the fact that Marvel is as close as we may ever get now to having access to all of the characters, is something I've been dreaming about for my almost 20 years at Marvel. And it's very exciting."

"That whole Disney buying Fox deal is- none of us saw that coming, and we're amazed and excited, because we always dreamed of having the X-Men and Fantastic Four in the MCU, but nothing's actually been decided or announced," Marvel Studios Visual Design Supervisor Andy Park previously told "So, I have nothing to spill, 'cause I don't even know what the future is. The only thing I've read … these thing are going to take at least 12 months to 18 months for something to even happen."

What do you think of these X-Men themed pancakes? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!