Marvel has released the third in a series of post-credits scenes featuring Wolverine. This scene appeared in Amazing Spider-Man #794.
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The single page scene shows Wolverine in London. He’s at Big Ben, where Spider-Man was just involved in a fight that involved crashing through the landmark’s clock face.
Wolverine is observing along with the rest of the crowd behind a police barricade. Someone asks if Logan needs to get by, but he says it’s not time yet.

This follows the pattern of the previous two Wolverine post-credits scenes. The first Wolverine post-credits scene took place in Captain America. Wolverine visited a bar looking for Captain America but missed him. Wolverine didn’t stick around to wait for Cap, he just left the bar instead.
The second post-credits scene was released in The Mighty Thor. In that scene, Wolverine went to the hospital where Jane Foster is receiving cancer treatment and left flowers at the desk but made no attempt to see her.
Logan’s motivations seem a little obscured. First, he tries to see Captain America, then he just makes a social visit to Jane Foster’s hospital. Now he’s followed Spider-Man to London even though it’s not the time to actually reveal himself yet.
These post-credits scenes are just one part of Wolverine’s return. How he came back from death will begin to be revealed in The Hunt for Wolverine. The post-credits scenes themselves are leading into Wolverine’s role in Infinity Countdown.
“Fans have been speculating about Wolverine’s whereabouts since he first reappeared in Marvel Legacy #1โand the Marvel Universe is left just as unaware!” teased SVP and Executive Editor Tom Brevoort said when the post-credits scenes were announced. “So keep your eyes peeled as Canada’s favorite citizen makes his presence felt in titles all across the Marvel line! It’s all leading to somethingโbut what?”
“Mystery has always been part of Wolverine’s DNA,” added senior editor Mark Paniccia. “He’s one of Marvel’s most interesting and popular characters. Fans are going to have a helluva ride finding out where he’s been and how he came back.”
Wolverine’s role in a larger story was hinted at by then editor-in-chief Axel Alonso when Logan returned in the pages of Marvel Legacy #1.
“Yes, Logan is back from the dead,” Marvel editor-in-chief Axel Alonso told “After three years of a Logan-free Marvel Universe, Logan is back, claws popped and ready for action. How he came back, why he came back, and just how he came into possession of that Infinity Stone are part of a fascinating story that’s going to unveil soon, and in some unusual places.”
Marvel’s Wolverine post-credits scene will continue in February in the pages of Marvel Two-In-One #3, Black Panther #170, and Avengers #680.