Nightcrawler Wants To Turn The X-Men Into A Religion

The last few months have been full of change for the X-Men, and now one of their members wants to [...]

The last few months have been full of change for the X-Men, and now one of their members wants to turn their organization into a religious entity. X-Men #7 decides to tangle with Nightcrawler's spiritual feelings about the team. Way back in 1991's X-Men #103, the mutant was a priest and that has been a character trait some writers use to tackle Kurt. Well, Jonathan Hickman has obviously taken that wrinkle and used it to explore some of the deep questions that surround the existence of mutants. It has led to some heartfelt moments like the one between Wolverine and Nightcrawler out in space during House of X/Powers of X. This issue has Faith as a foreword and some mentions of the powers of The Five as well. *Spoilers for X-Men #7 are coming up.*

"By combining their mutant powers, the Five have given the X-Men — and the Krakoan people — the miraculous opportunity to be reborn after death. But nothing so incredible comes without a cost…"

Cyclops goes to visit Kurt up in his special perch on Krakow after taking with Wolverine about the Crucible ritual which can give some of the mutants who were de-powered during House of M their abilities back. It is a very controversial scene with a young mutant named Aero facing Apocalypse for the chance to get her powers back. Now, it is important to note that she chose that confrontation for herself and being reborn as a sacrificial act. (The mutants still have to die to be reborn.)

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(Photo: Marvel Entertainment)

Throughout the lead-up to the challenge and the ensuing brawl, Cyclops and Nightcrawler debate the Crucible. Some mutants might choose to abuse the rebirth process and the former X-Men team leader thinks that could come back to bite them later. Kurt wonders if they are capable of governing themselves or disturbing the "natural order" of things. It is some heady conversation, but that's nothing new for this Hickman-led direction. All of the spectacle prompts Nightcrawler to tell his friend that he's planning to create a mutant religion.

Another quirk of the issue is that Scarlet Witch is persona non-grata on Krakoa as the young mutants dare not speak her name. Even all these years later, House of M is still influencing current events. M-Day was an event that absolutely decimated the mutant population on Earth. Estimates from the series indicated that about 198 mutants remained united with their powers after the utterance of "no more mutants." So, yet another new day is here for Homo Superior.