The Purge Fan Notices the Event Is Supposed to Start This Weekend

One fan of The Purge noticed that the event is scheduled to start this weekend. Film Easter Eggs [...]

One fan of The Purge noticed that the event is scheduled to start this weekend. Film Easter Eggs on Twitter drew everyone's attention to this weird factoid. If you're in Warren, Rhode Island maybe it's time to start sweating, but not really good people. But as everyone is stuck inside tweeting, of course, the tweet spread like wildfire. Some fans even booted up the first film, for an evening scare. Who knows what kind of things social media will think up to pass the time in the coming weeks.

You can watch the original film on Amazon right now if you're interested and the others are littered around numerous platforms at the moment. Here's a plot synopsis of The Purge: In a crime-ridden future when overtaxed cops let murder and other crimes rule the streets one night a year, someone's knocking at James Sandin's door. Starring: Ethan Hawke, Lena Headey, Max Burkholder. Parents Ethan Hawke and Lena Headey bolt the doors to keep the crazies out -- to little success.

The larger United States has taken action during the coronavirus pandemic. New York went so far as to close theaters, the Mayor discussed the move on Twitter. "Our lives are all changing in ways that were unimaginable just a week ago," he wrote. "We are taking a series of actions that we never would have taken otherwise in an effort to save the lives of loved ones and our neighbors. Now it is time to take yet another drastic step."

According to the World Health Organization, who officially dubbed the coronavirus outbreak a "pandemic" last week, there are over 200,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus worldwide with 16,556 new cases diagnosed in the last 24 hours and over 8700 deaths around the globe. In the United States, there have been over 15,000 confirmed cases with 201 deaths as of this writing.

For those who are worried about the spread of the coronavirus, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention offers a litany of tips, including covering coughs and sneezes, avoiding large gatherings or close contact with people who are sick, and washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

Are you watching The Purge this weekend? Let us know in the comments!