Deadpool Creator Reveals Josh Brolin's Future Plans For Cable

Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld revealed what Josh Brolin’s future plans for Cable are. In an [...]

Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld revealed what Josh Brolin's future plans for Cable are. In an exclusive interview with, the comics veteran talked about how the Deadpool 2 star is looking forward to another stint as the X-Force character. Marvel Studios has been keeping everyone in suspense when it comes to Deadpool 3. So, it would seem unlikely for them to bring Cable into the MCU without Ryan Reynolds' hero as well. In Liefeld's opinion, the company is sitting on a veritable goldmine with the X-Men stable in their corner now. All that's left is to integrate all of those angles in and wait for the love from the fans to roll in. The creator told us that he had been in contact with Brolin and his representation sounded like they couldn't wait to get back into the game as Cable.

"You guys just don't understand, I was with Josh about four weeks before Deadpool two opened. We were down in at Manhattan beach and we were having breakfast," Liefeld explained. "Then he's like, 'Hey, can you take me to the gym?' Because he was telling me how he's much bigger he's gonna get for two. His shoulders were gonna get broader. And I met his trainer and I'm like, 'Oh, you can't wait until we revisit Cable.' And he had talked about the talks that he had with Fox and building out the character, and he was excited what to do with him as a character."

All of these comments line up with what the creator told before the Quarantine Watch Party for Deadpool earlier this year.

"I'm going to tell your viewers...Josh wants to be Cable again sooner than later," he told's Brandon Davis. "He is itching to be Cable again. He loved being Cable. He told me he understands how beloved his role as Thanos is, but he doesn't look completely like Josh Brolin."

Before adding, "These are Josh Brolin's own words telling me, Rob Liefeld. He told me, 'Rob when I appeared as Cable in Deadpool 2, my phones rang off the hook.' It changed everything for him and obviously Josh is gonna get some career lifetime achievement award at some point. The guy is just one of our greatest actors."

Would you like to see Cable in the MCU before Deadpool? Or would you like Marvel to revive that X-Force movie? Let us know down in the comments!