Dicks: The Musical Star Nathan Lane Talks Sewer Boys

We talked to Nathan Lane about working with the Sewer Boys, and it's pretty hilarious.

Dicks: The Musical is having its wide release this weekend, and it sees Josh Sharp and Aaron Jackson reprising their roles from the off-Broadway show F*cking Identical Twins. Both Sharp and Jackson returned to write the script for the film version, and they star in the project alongside Megan Mullally, Nathan Lane, Megan Thee Stallion, and Bowen Yang. Lane and Mullally play the lead duo's parents, Harris and Evelyn, and they're about as strange and quirky as two characters can get. In fact, Harris has two very bizarre, er, pets at home called the Sewer Boys. These weird little creatures are puppets, and Lane has to do some hilariously odd things with them like spit ham in their mouths. Recently, ComicBook.com interviewed Lane alongside Mullally and he revealed his character's relationship with the Sewer Boys was originally even weirder. 

"Originally, their upright Citizens Brigade sketch, that's where this all stems from," Lane explained. "It was a sketch, like a 40-minute sketch they did there called, you'll pardon the expression, F*cking Identical Twins. And the Sewer Boys were referenced in the sketch, and it seemed implied that perhaps it was a relationship of a sexual nature he was having with the Sewer Boys. But then people, the higher-ups felt that was where they were going to draw the line. Harris could not be f*cking the Sewer Boys. I believe that's what it said in the memo. 'No f*cking Sewer Boys.' So it had been discussed whether they would actually be played by humans, human actors, or they would be puppets. And everyone wanted puppets because who would have sex with a puppet?"

He continued, "And then they added diapers and tails. Not formal wear, I mean actual tails. So they were worked by, they were puppeteers and I mean, they didn't do a lot, it wasn't sophisticated puppetry. It was two things on a stick and then went like this," he explained with some simple hand gestures. "It looks so ridiculously fake and yet they're hungry and someone has to feed them. And it was written that he feeds them like a mother bird and he chews ham deli meat. They like deli meat apparently. And I had to spit it into their faces."

You can watch our interview with Nathan Lane and Megan Mullally above. 

Dicks: The Musical is now playing in the select theaters, and opens wide on October 20th.