
Here’s What Janelle Monae Could Look Like as Marvel Studios’ Storm

Janelle Monae wants to be cast as X-Men’s Storm in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Monae recently […]

Janelle Monae wants to be cast as X-Men‘s Storm in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Monae recently told Empire Magazine that she has even gone so far as to talk with writer/director Ryan Coogler about playing Storm in Black Panther 2: “I definitely have thrown it out there. One of my dreams has always been to play Storm. I don’t know if she comes in Black Panther, but it would be a dream to have her in it. I don’t know where they are with that.” Well, artist BossLogic isn’t waiting: he’s giving Marvel Studios a sketch of Janelle Monae as X-Men’s Storm that proves she’s fit for the role!

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Clearly, BossLogic is going for the 1980s version of Storm with the mohawk hairdo – or more accurately, the 2010s resurgence of Storm’s ’80s look, under Uncanny X-Force writer Sam Humphries. That 2010s version of Storm had the mohawk but ditched the ’80s punk leather suit for a more traditional superhero costume look (See HERE). When you look at the Humphries-era costume for Storm, it’s clearly the basis for Janelle Monae’s Storm – with a few important caveats:

First, BossLogic thankfully de-sexualizes Storm by adding an armored-looking bodysuit under the loose-hanging fabric on Monae’s costume, rather than leaving in the deep-plunging bosom of the comics. The hoop earrings and body pose definitely capture Janelle Monae’s signature swagger and aesthetic, making this feel like Janelle Monae could definitely make the character her own.

Going with the 2010s mohawk Storm costume and hairdo in the MCU. The mohawk signifies moments in Ororo Munroe’s life when she sheds a weaker, more naive version of herself in order to become a more fierce version Storm. It would be a nice way to distinguish a new MCU Storm from the Halle Berry version – and also help pave over the lackluster attempt to make Alexandra Shipp’s Storm mohawk, which appeared in X-Men: Apocalypse.

Recasting the X-Men is a massive challenge that Kevin Feige and Marvel Studios have to tackle, and Storm is going to be one of the most controversial choices. Given the way that society has changed so drastically in the last year, Marvel may very well opt to cast an African actress in the role.