U.S. Senator Asks Netflix To Make Streaming Free to Limit COVID-19 Spread

One United States senator is asking Netflix, HBO Max, Disney+ and others to make streaming free [...]

One United States senator is asking Netflix, HBO Max, Disney+ and others to make streaming free for the holidays. Maine representative Angus King had the idea to help slow the spread of COVID-19. He penned a letter to the various organizations and laid out his claims. It might not surprise you to hear that a lot of people are hoping that they heed his cries. Staying indoors during quarantine periods earlier this year led to some of the highest TV ratings of 2020. It would not be hard to see how making all of it free for a little while might entice a boost in viewership across the board. On the other side of the coin, people can't be out in the streets if they're too busy watching The Queen's Gambit or The Mandalorian. Check out what he had to say down below:

"As organizations around the country continue to respond to the spread of the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, I am reaching out to discuss and consider the unique role that your companies play in providing content-based activities this holiday season," King wrote on his website. "Specifically, I encourage you to temporarily remove any cost considerations for use of your services for current non-subscribers as a public service to who are seeking to remain safe and indoors this holiday season, as opposed to the risks involved as the nation sees a dramatic surge in pandemic cases."

"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued guidance recommending that specific community actions be taken to limit the exposure of the virus, and has additionally encouraged Americans to avoid their usual holiday travel to reduce transmission of the coronavirus…" added Senator King.

Finally, the senator argued, "At this time, we must find ways to incentivize people to follow guidance from the CDC, their employer, local public health officials, or school leaders. Unfortunately, some Americans are likely to choose to ignore public health advice and carry on their typical holiday traditions instead of remaining safely at home. While your platforms would likely experience greater traffic as a consequence of extending service, we encourage you to provide temporary service at no cost to non-subscribers as a way to encourage people to make responsible choices and safely navigate this holiday season."

Would you like to see Netflix and the other streaming giants make an exception? Let us know down in the comments!