Netflix Testing New Feature That Allows Instant-Scene Replay

Netflix always tries to get ahead of the curve in regards to what their customers want, and their [...]

Netflix always tries to get ahead of the curve in regards to what their customers want, and their newest feature is trying to make replaying your favorite moments even easier.

Netflix's newest addition to its popular streaming platform is an instant scene-replay feature, which allows the viewer to pause what they are watching and rewind a scene with one tap or click as opposed to having to scrub through the scene backward to get to the part you want to see. It's not exactly something many have been complaining about mind you, but the goal seems to be trimming that process from the minor inconvenience it currently is to instantaneous.

How it works is after certain scenes a pop-up displays allowing you to with one click or tap go back to the beginning of that scene. At the moment Netflix is just testing the feature, as it is only available on a small amount of their content. At the moment Netflix says it hasn't decided on if it will roll out the feature officially.

"We're trying out a feature which gives Netflix members the ability to rewatch favorite scenes and memorable moments with the click of a button," a Netflix spokesperson told the LA Times. "Right now we're just looking to learn from it and may or may not roll it out more broadly in the future."

It remains to be seen how this will affect the user experience, though as it currently exists some aren't thrilled with it. To be fair, it seems easy enough to ignore if you would rather not utilize that feature, so as long as it doesn't become incredibly obtrusive Netflix will probably end up rolling it out eventually in an official capacity.

Are you excited to get your hands on Netflix's newest feature? Let us know what you think of it in the comments, as well as what you would like to see Netflix add to its service next!