
Nicolas Cage Reveals His Favorite Nicolas Cage Movie


The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent is now playing in theatres, and the movie sees Nicolas Cage playing a version of himself. In honor of the movie being such a love letter to Cage’s career, the actor has been answering a lot of questions about his many iconic films. Last week, it was revealed that the actor wants to be in a Muppet movie, and he shared during a Reddit AMA that he is open to making a Face/Off 2. One fan asked if Cage had any dream roles, and the actor revealed he’d like to play Jules Verne’s Captain Nemo. Cage also participated in a WIRED video titled “Nicolas Cage Answers the Web’s Most Searched Questions.” While answering more questions, the actor revealed that his favorite Cage movie is last year’s Pig

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“My favorite Nicolas Cage film is Pig,” the actor answered. “I thought it was like a folk song. I thought it was like a haiku. I felt that in that movie I had become seasoned and I had entered the room.” You can check out the full video below:

During Cage’s Reddit AMA, the actor was quick to respond when asked, “If only 3 of your films could be preserved for posterity, which 3 would you choose?” Of course, Pig also made that list

Bringing Out the DeadPigLeaving Las Vegas,” Cage replied. He talked more about some of the films in other comments. “I think Leaving Las VegasPig, and Bringing Out The Dead are my three favorite performances of my own body of work. I have not seen Leaving Las Vegas recently, however that movie and Elizabeth Shue’s work in that movie are what I aspire to continue towards, and did continue towards with Pig, which is why I am always going to be up for small budget, independent, dramas.” 

It’s no surprise Cage included Leaving Las Vegas considering the film won him an Oscar in 1996. As for Bringing Out the Dead, the 1999 Martin Scorsese movie is one of the more underrated films in both Cage and Scorsese’s filmographies. In fact, we did not include it in our Month of Cage streaming guide, and now we have regrets. 

As for Pig, the movie was released last year, and it has gotten praise from critics and audiences alike. Pig is currently up on Rotten Tomatoes with a 96% critics score after 254 reviews and an 84% audience score after 250+ reviews. If you’ve been curious about Pig, you’re in luck, because it’s now streaming on Hulu. 

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent is now playing in theatres.