Princess Bride Star Thinks a Potential Remake Will Be a Disappointment

Reports surfaced last month that Sony was interested in crafting a remake of 1987's The Princess [...]

Reports surfaced last month that Sony was interested in crafting a remake of 1987's The Princess Bride, igniting backlash against the notion of recreating a magical alchemy that made the film a success, with star Chris Sarandon being the latest to point out that any attempt at a remake is sure to be a disappointment. The film is an adaptation of the 1973 novel of the same name, with the narrative structure of the film featuring a grandfather reading the book to his son as audiences witness the action unfold. Sarandon, who also voiced Jack Skellington in The Nightmare Before Christmas, thinks it would be fruitless for either property to earn a remake.

"I don't understand why anybody would need to remake [The Princess Bride or The Nightmare Before Christmas], because they are so specific in their effects," Sarandon shared with "They are so iconic in so many ways and have such a cultural imprint, that I don't see how it can be anything but a disappointment for folks who are fans of the originals, to remake it."

He added, "Why remake something that has such a broad appeal? Unless you're going to do, say, an animated version of Princess Bride, or if you're going to do a live-action version of The Nightmare Before Christmas, which I've heard rumors they're thinking of."

The actor isn't entirely opposed to the idea of one of his films getting a remake, as he even had a small role in the 2011 Fright Night, in which Colin Farrell took over the role he originally played in the 1985 Fright Night. The major difference is that his vampire film was somewhat underseen in the cultural landscape, with a remake allowing it to return to prominence, while The Princess Bride is still well-known to movie fans more than 30 years after it landed in theaters.

"Fright Night was a real genre movie," the actor pointed out. "It had a very specific effect on vampire movie fans, who love it and revere it, horror movie fans. So that remake, I have people who come up to me and said, 'Why did they remake it?' I always say, 'I think they did a nice job and I'm happy that I got a chance to contribute to it.'"

Sarandon isn't the only original star of Princess Bride to speak out against a remake, with Cary Elwes, who played the hero Westley, sharing his wishes to retain the perfection of the original.

"There's a shortage of perfect movies in this world. It would be a pity to damage this one," Elwes shared on Twitter.

Stay tuned for details on the possible future for The Princess Bride. Sarandon is currently working on his memoir, which fans can keep their eyes out for in the future.

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