
The Batman: Viral Video Shows Real Bats Inside Theater Playing New Batman Movie


A moviegoer has shared a batty viral video showing real bats fluttering inside a movie theater screening of The Batman. In director Matt Reeves’ franchise reboot, a reclusive Bruce Wayne (Robert Pattinson) operates out of a makeshift Batcave: an abandoned terminal in the foundation of Wayne Tower at the heart of Gotham City. One scene in The Batman shows the Batcave swarming with bats, the winged creatures Pattinson’s vengeful vigilante uses as a symbol to strike fear into the hearts of such rogues as Riddler (Paul Dano) and Penguin (Colin Farrell). Below, watch the moment some moviegoers had their showing of The Batman interrupted by a surprise cameo from actual bats: 

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“I’m at the Batman movie and there are real bats in the theater,” wrote moviegoer @Jeremiah24_ when sharing the now-viral video on Twitter

The video, which has racked up more than 30,000 views in a matter of hours, shows the movie on pause and the theater lights turned on as multiple bats fly across the room. The theater has not been identified. 

The Batman opened only in movie theaters on Thursday after select cities hosted fan-first IMAX previews on March 1. The reboot, which launches a standalone Batverse created by Reeves, has earned  $21.6 million from advance screenings and is expected to haul in more than $110 million over its first three days. 

Starring Robert Pattinson, Zoe Kravitz, Paul Dano, Jeffrey Wright, John Turturro, Andy Serkis, and Colin Farrell, The Batman is now playing exclusively in theaters. 

ComicBook CRAM Presents The Batman