Todd McFarlane Reveals First Look at 'Spawn' Movie Script

Spawn creator Todd McFarlane is wishing fans a happy holiday by revealing our first look at the [...]

Todd McFarlane Reveals first Look at Spawn Movie Sript 2017

Spawn creator Todd McFarlane is wishing fans a happy holiday by revealing our first look at the script for the upcoming Spawn reboot film!

As you can see above, the script page in question takes place at the shooting range where two NYPD cops, "Danny" and Twitch, are doing some target practice. The scene occurs early on in the film, according to McFarlane.

After so many years in limbo, McFarlane is finally getting to write and direct this new Spawn movie. The outspoke comic book creator has been pitching the sort of vision seen above for years now: a low-budget horror-style film ($10 - 12 million, reportedly) that puts two NYPD detectives (like the pair in the script) following a case that leads them to encounter a shadowy monster lurking on the peripherals of their investigation. McFarlane has previously teased that the film will be very conservative in how often (or much) it shows you its monster. Because the detective characters will be carrying the bulk of the weight, casting them is a big looming challenge that fans are eager to hear more about.

The Spawn reboot film is currently in production; there are also talks of a new Spawn animated series in the works, as well.