Werewolf by Night Director Rules Out Directing Blade (Exclusive)

Werewolf by Night director Michael Giacchino says that he won't be the one to step in for Blade. The composer stopped by Comicbook.com's Phase Zero to discuss his latest Disney+ project. But, over the course of the interview, the fans wanted to know if Giacchino would be down to direct Blade. Sadly, he has love for the character and expects great things, but it doesn't sound like he's ready for that. Werewolf by Night is only a few weeks old and it's hard to just jump from one massive project to another in quick succession. Check out what the filmmaker had to say down below!

"Look, I love Blade. I think that's an amazing character. It's one of my favorites. But I feel like that thing is already in motion in a way and I'm in motion in other things as well," the director began. "Timing wise is a little crazy. So I feel like I want that to be a great movie. I want that to be an awesome movie because that character deserves it in a huge way. But yeah, right now, no."

The Fallout From Blade's Director Change

"Due to continued shifts in our production schedule, Bassam is no longer moving forward as director of Blade but will remain an executive producer on the film," Marvel wrote. "We appreciate Bassam's talent and all the work he's done getting Blade to where it is."

In the director's statement, he thanked the company for the opportunity and expressed his excitement for the finished product. "It's been an honor working with the wonderful folks at Marvel," Tariq said. "We were able to put together a killer cast and crew. Eager to see where the next director takes the film."

Dissecting Blade's Debut in Eternals

Fans will remember that we've already heard the vampire hunter at the end of Chloe Zhao's movie. Phase Zero had the chance to speak with Marvel producer Nate Moore about the choice to have Blade debut there.

"[Blade] was [part of the scene] for reasons hopefully that would become apparent as you see more things, but [Mahershal Ali] wasn't there on the day," the Eternals producer explained. "And we talked about two versions of that, one where we would cut to him and one where we wouldn't. 'How textual do you want it to be?' And again, it was more just for the fun of it, to tease it a little bit, to hear the voice and not see the man. He was game to do it. Because the Ebony Blade, the characteristics of the Ebony Blade are not dissimilar to some degree to vampirism and we think that's an interesting kind of thing to play with. So, we kind of knew that was on the table."

Phase Zero Season 2 Episode 40 is available now on all major podcast platforms. Video of the live broadcast is available now on the Phase Zero YouTube channel, as well as a Friday night broadcast on Paramount+. Hit the links below to listen and/or watch now!

Who do you want to direct Blade? Let us know down in the comments!