In the wake of Avengers: Endgame, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has been tasked with introducing all-new heroes to take the place of those that came before them, which includes hinting at a new generation of characters who have connections to more mature figures in the MCU. One of those younger characters is Kathryn Newton’s Cassie Lang, who has been a member of the Young Avengers in the comics, but even if her recent heroism in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania leads into a Young Avengers film, she doubts that experience will be as fulfilling as starring alongside Paul Rudd as her father.ย Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania hits theaters on February 17th.
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When asked on Late Night with Seth Myers if audiences could see Lang and her size-changing abilities in a future Young Avengers film, Newton revealed, “I don’t know, I mean, like, what? The thing that’s cool was that making this movie was the best project of my life and even if I’m lucky enough to do another Marvel movie, nothing will ever top working with Paul Rudd every day. Ever. I don’t know.”
In addition to Lang, audiences have already met other Young Avengers members with Kate Bishop in Hawkeye, Speed and Wiccan in WandaVision, Patriot in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and Kid Loki from Loki. While there’s currently no confirmed plans for such a project, either on the big screen or for Disney+, the groundwork is being laid for such an opportunity.
Earlier this month, Quantumania producer Stephen Broussard claimed that there weren’t currently any plans for an official Young Avengers project, but part of the current stories was introducing characters that could carry that weight.
While telling Inverse that there wasn’t a Young Avengers project in the books, he clarified, “A lot of Phase Four was about introducing the next generation and introducing new characters.”
More specifically, the events of Quantumania are a bit more deliberate in the generational nature of superheroes.
“I think it’s very germane to the Ant-Man film because it’s a generational film,” he detailed. “The Ant-Man mantle gets passed down from Hank to Scott and now essentially to Cassie, who’s almost more of like the new Ant-Man, even though she doesn’t go by such, more so than the new Wasp.”
Stay tuned for details on a possible Young Avengers project.ย Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumaniaย hits theaters on February 17th.
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