All-New All-Different Marvel Teaser 2: Five Questions Raised

Marvel has released the second teaser for All-New Marvel Now, and it brings with it about as many [...]

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Marvel has released the second teaser for All-New Marvel Now, and it brings with it about as many surprises and teases as the first. Mutants, Fantastic Four, and more mysteries await. Here are the five biggest questions raised by the new teaser.


If the Thing's with the Guardians, where's the rest of the FF?

It looks like The Thing is joining the Guardians of the Galaxy. We know that the Human Torch is hanging out with the Inhumans. What about Susan and Reed Richards? We know that Susan had been working with S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers in the eight-month gap prior to the "Time Runs Out" storyline, so maybe she'll continue in that capacity. As for Reed…well, without spoiling too much off Secret Wars, he's in a bad way and may not be at his mental peak when the Marvel Universe gets back to business. He may just be taking some time off, or maybe he'll join up with S.H.I.E.L.D. or the Avengers as well to stay near to Susan.


What's with Daredevil's dark new look?

It certainly looks like Daredevil's carefree days from the Marvel NOW! era are behind him. He's traded his trademark red suit for something black that resembles his look from the Shadowland event. Of course, then he was possessed by a demon and working with the hand. Is that a sign of things to come? Or is Marvel just trying to make him look more recognizable to fans who only just discovered Matt Murdock through the Netflix TV series?

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Who is Citizen V?

The star-spangled costume in the image is the costume of Citizen V, a persona taken by several characters in Marvel's history. The original was a golden age war hero, but Baron Zemo took the name as a disguise when he founded the Thunderbolts. Since then the title has been passed down to a few different characters, including the original Citizen V's grandson. Is that who is under the mask, or is it someone entirely new?


Which Old Man Logan is it anyway? And how does he relate to X-23?

The Old Man Logan of the original series was from one of Marvel's many alternate futures. The story is continuing in the pages of current Old Man Logan Secret Wars series, but will that be the Logan we see in the new Marvel? Will he even remember his past life with the X-Men of the 616? Either way, what will be this new-old Logan's relationship to the new Wolverine, X-23?


A new Squadron Supreme?

The teaser features both Hyperion and Doctor Spectrum. While these two characters come from different universes, different variations of them have both belonged to the Squadron Supreme in the past. Could the inclusion of both of them in the teaser signal that the new Marvel universe will be getting a Squadron Supreme of its own?

Bonus Question - What's the deal with Iron Man?

Between this teaser and the previous one, we've seen Iron Man front and center. Is he leading the charge of this All-New All-Different Marvel Universe? Only time will tell.

What questions do you have about what we've seen so far? Let us know in the comments below!