Anthony Mackie Talks New Falcon Costume And Possibility Of Appearing In Avengers: Age Of Ultron

Anthony Mackie, who debuted as Sam Wilson in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, recently [...]

the falcon captain america the winter soldier-wide

Anthony Mackie, who debuted as Sam Wilson in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, recently announced that he would be returning for the sequel, Captain America: Civil War. In an interview with iamROGUE, Mackie spoke a bit about the film, including when he knew he'd be returning, what he thought of the source material, the presence of Robert Downey Jr. in the cast, and the possibility of a new costume for the Falcon.

"I want my bird, man. I want my bird!" Mackie says of the idea. "The thing is, you know I've been emailing with people over at Marvel. I've putting it out there in the ethos that I'm going to have a new and improved costume and come out all flashy in spandex. So I'm hoping that I get a new and improved costume. That's my whole thing. I've just been saying it, hoping that they'll read it and say, 'Alright, we have to give Anthony a new costume.' Please, dress me up in spandex!"

Could we see Wilson don his classic red and white comic book look, with the faithful Redwing on his arm? Mackie seems to think so.

Antother question that came up was whether or not Mackie would appear in Avengers: Age of Ultron, ahead of Captain America: Civil War. Mackie says he hasn't' been called in yet, but he's not giving up hope.

"I hope. At this point, I have not. I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope," Mackie says. "They're doing reshoots and that's why I'm letting them know I'm available. So whatever weekend they want me there, I'll fly myself out and shoot whatever scene they want me in. Even if it's like, 'Oh man, it's Iron Man and Hulk.' But I heard today in one of the interviews that someone thought I was in Ant-Man. I hope so! I hope I'm in Ant-Man. I hope I'm in Hulk 3, I hope I'm in Thor 3, and Guardians of the Galaxy 2. Me and Groot can boogie!"

So it seems like Mackie is up for anything, putting the ball in Marvel's court. If the rumors surrounding the Avengers: Age of Ultron post-credits scene turn out to be true, Mackie may end up getting that call he's been hoping for after all.

Avengers: Age of Ultron opens May 1, 2015.

Captain America: Civil War opens May 6, 2016.