Arrow Season 4 Auditions Possibly Reveal Main Villain Dialogue

Want to read or listen to the first bits of dialogue from the main villain of season four of [...]


Want to read or listen to the first bits of dialogue from the main villain of season four of Arrow? Come check it out!

Today, I came across two actors vying for the role of 'Simon' in season four of Arrow. By the sound of it, 'Simon' is actually a codename for 'Damien Darhk,' the leader of the mysterious H.I.V.E..

Darhk and his villainous organization have been mentioned on Arrow in the past. Just last season, Ra's al Ghul warned Oliver about him. Darhk was at one point in contention to be the next Ra's al Ghul, but when he wasn't chosen he split from The League of Assassins and started his own group with a hive of followers. Oliver was then told that Darhk's organization has been responsible for a lot of the trouble that has plagued Starling City. They're also the group that killed John Diggle's brother Andy.

Transcript from the auditions:

Dialogue and video embeds removed by request.

Arrow's season four premiere will air this fall on The CW.