Before he got his super speed powers, Barry Allen was always late to everything–so it’s perhaps fitting that Grant Gustin, who plays the character on The CW Network’s Arrow and who is expected to headline his own Flash spinoff in 2014, is just now arriving on the set of the hit superhero drama.”Sorry for the low light. Felt weird using two Flashes for this photo,” series star Stephen Amell posted to his Facebook page half an hour ago, along with the image at right of himself and Gustin. “Welcome Grant Gustin!!”Gustin has been signed as a recurring actor this season, and will play two episodes as Barry Allen–a police scientist from out of town who comes to Starling City following up a lead on the cold case of his mother’s murder–before he comes back again in the second half of the season, having gained super-speed and, according to showrunners, wearing the character’s trademark red costume almost from the word go.
Arrow’s Flash, Grant Gustin, Arrives on Set
Before he got his super speed powers, Barry Allen was always late to everything–so it’s perhaps […]