Batman Vs. Superman: Metropolis Emergency And Military Vehicles Spotted In Michigan

Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice is currently filming in Pontiac Michigan. A reporter for Mlive [...]

Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice is currently filming in Pontiac Michigan. A reporter for Mlive managed to snap some pictures of a building and several vehicles being used during filming.

The building is likely being used as the headquarters of Lex Luthor's company, LexCorp (you can see the outline of what looks like and X-shaped LexCorp logo). The vehicles include Metropolis EMS and some military vehicles. There is also a green screen present at the site, though what it is being used for is unknown.

Batman v. Superman has been filming in Michigan for weeks and is the most expensive movie ever filmed in the state. Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice will open in theaters May 6, 2016.