Happy Birthday! Marc Guggenheim Turns 45 Today

Arrow, Vixen and DC's Legends of Tomorrow executive producer Marc Guggenheim turns 45 years old [...]

Arrow, Vixen and DC's Legends of Tomorrow executive producer Marc Guggenheim turns 45 years old today.

Guggenheim was first an attorney before deciding to pursue a career as a writer; at first, he would practice law during full time and write part time as he got opportunities, and then eventually he decided that he had to commit to writing.

His legal background proved useful, especially early in his career; A script for The Practice was his first produced work and other early projects included work as a supervising editor for Law & Order, Jack and Bobby, CSI: Miami, and In Justice. With Greg Berlanti, Guggenheim created the legal drama/musical Eli Stone, where the pair would work with future Legends of Tomorrow star Victor Garber.

He was also a credited writer on both the Green Lantern and Percy Jackson: Seas of Monsters film adaptations.

Besides his television and film work, Guggenheim has been writing comics on and off for years. In 1990, when he was an intern at the publisher, Guggenheim colored an 8-page story in Marvel Comics Presents and still wishes he could find the production proofs that are created from his colors -- the closest thing to his "original art" on the story.

Later, he would write stories featuring Aquaman, The Flash, the X-Men and many more. Currently he's working on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. for All-New All-Different Marvel. He's also done creator-owned comics projects at Oni Press.

In 2014, Guggenheim wrote his first prose novel, Overwatch, intended to launch a series. With his busy TV schedule, though, it may be a while before the next book hits the stands.