Acclaimed comics writer Peter David is recovering after suffering a stroke on vacation, he reports on his blog.The writer, who is approaching 100 issues on his critically-acclaimed run on X-Factor, reports that he lost feeling on his right side and impaired vision, and he’s currently awaiting information at the hospital.”We were on vacation in Florida when I lost control of the right side of my body,” the writer blogged. “I cannot see properly and I cannot move my right arm or leg. We are currently getting the extent of the damage sorted out and will report as further details become clarified.”David recently wrote the Avengers Season One graphic novel that was included with copies of the Blu-ray from Wal-Mart and also writes for the Stan Lee’s World of Heroes YouTube wish Mr. David a full and speedy recovery. Well wishes can be directed to his blog at the link above or to his Twitter account.
Iconic Comics Writer Peter David Recovering After Stroke
Acclaimed comics writer Peter David is recovering after suffering a stroke on vacation, he reports […]