Is Image Comics Getting Off Track With Wild Children?

Okay, maybe I'm getting old. Or maybe I just don't get it. Image Comics is publishing a graphic [...]

Okay, maybe I'm getting old. Or maybe I just don't get it. Image Comics is publishing a graphic novella called "Wild Children." Written by Ales Kot (Batman) and drawn by Riley Rossmo Cowboy Ninja Viking, Debris), "Wild Children" centers around the always controversial topic of school shootings. The book 'explores an explosive high school hostage situation that threatens to unfold its own reality like a cheap origami.' Referencing multiple murderous rampage titles, including "Hellblazer: Shoot," "Kill Your Boyfriend," and "'Natural Born Killers" meets "Bowling For Columbine,'" it appears that Image is taking the easy way out with this novella. Cashing in on a quick buck, because the publicity--negative or positive--will drive sales. My question is "Why?" What's the purpose of writing something like this? I'm not one to run from scary scenes or controversial topics, because, well, sometimes monsters do exist.  But "Wild Children" will have to be darn near perfect to pull off a story like this and make a difference from a literary perspective. But maybe that isn't the goal. Maybe it's just to sell out and drive sales. Either way, Image Comics, I'm not purchasing this. Image has done a lot of great things lately--and I'm really excited about many of their upcoming titles. Just not this one. "Wild Children" hits shelves July 11. [gallery link="file" columns="2"]