Jim Starlin Wields the Infinity Gauntlet

On his Facebook page, legendary comic book writer/artist Jim Starlin shared the photo at right--an [...]

Jim Starlin with the Infinity Gauntlet

On his Facebook page, legendary comic book writer/artist Jim Starlin shared the photo at right--an image of himself along with one of the coolest gifts that he's ever been sent by a fan. "Just received a fantastic reproduction of the Infinity Gauntlet from a very talented sculptor in the Philippines," Starlin said. "He and I had exchanged messages some time back and he said he was going to send a copy off to me. It finally arrived yesterday. But now I can't locate his message, to give him credit and a plug. I've got more than 5000 friends and regularly receive more messages than I can reply to. His identity is presently lost in the mess I call my Facebook. So if my currently-unknown benefactor (or someone who knows him) recognizes the piece, please let me know how I can contact him. I'm also going to get everyone (who worked on the Infinity Gauntlet) I can find at the Baltimore Comic Convention to sign a copy of the Infinity Gauntlet for him. Thanks." Achilles Lim Saligumba of Infinity Creative Designs responded underneath, "We are happy and proud that you like our humble tribute. The Infinity Gauntlet is just the beginning sir Jim Starlin.... I will soon send you it's owner in behalf of Infinity Creative Designs!" Thanos, a character created by Starlin, appeared briefly at the end of last year's box office smash Marvel's The Avengers, and will reportedly appear at least in Guardians of the Galaxy next year. The character is also the principal antagonist of the just-started crossover Infinity, currently being produced by Jonathan Hickman and Marvel Comics.