
Justice League of America: 5 Reasons This Death Won’t Last

Warning: Spoilers Ahead for this week’s issue of Justice League of America……just in case you […]
Justice League of America

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…just in case you hadn’t already been spoiled by all the other coverage, here and abroad.

This week’s issue of Justice League of America, #4, took a decidedly strange turn when one of the principal cast was killed abruptly. Of course, comic book death is comic book death and nobody expects it to last forever…but this particular death, to us, has all the hallmarks of not even lasting past the end of the current calendar year–maybe not the current story arc.Why? Read on…She could be a double-double-agent.With a rumored “villains month” event on the horizon and DC co-publisher Geoff Johns behind the wheel, if there were ever a time to return Catwoman–a beloved character with her own ongoing title–back to the dark side it would be now.Could this be an elaborate ruse to set her up as a sympathetic character to the heroes, only to destabilize the team and make them more vulnerable when she reappears needing “help” but actually working for the Society?It’s possible, although admittedly unlikely given the fact that nobody was there (that we know of) to see her shot.That said, Catwoman also appears in a couple of collected editions in August focusing specifically on the villains of the DC Universe.

The Joker’s Daughter Batman will probably go save her soul.
TRINITY OF SIN: PHANTOM STRANGER #11 Don’t discount the “nine lives” thing. Batman Returns Practically speaking, this isn’t how it’s done. Bonus round: J’Onn