More Guardians of the Galaxy Cast Members Take the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

More members of the cast of Guardians of the Galaxy have taken the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, [...]

More members of the cast of Guardians of the Galaxy have taken the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, including former WWE star Dave Bautista, who has possibly the most memorable video yet.

Starting on a tight shot, Bautista (who played Drax the Destroyer in the Marvel film) explains that one of his all-time heroes is Lou Gherig, who died of ALS and whose number and signature Bautista has tattooed on his arm.

He went on to explain that after years as a professional wrestler, he's accustomed to ice, and it's not that big a deal to him. The camera then pulls out to reveal...well, take a look:

In addition, actress Mikaela Hoover, actor Seth Green and actor Nathan Fillion, all of whom have minor roles in Guardians, took the challenge over the weekend.

Family Guy star Seth Green, who played Howard the Duck in the film, took the challenge with his wife Clare Grant, who embedded the video on her WhoSay account:

Fillion's video is surprisingly straightforward, considering what a generally wacky guy he is...

...although he did challenge Loki!

Finally, Mikaela Hoover, who appeared briefly in the film as one of Nova-Prime's assistant/inner council members, did it although we can't find her video, just these two photos she took:

There isn't any video yet of director James Gunn completing the challenge, although according to his Twitter account he has done so, and challenged both Zoe Saldana and Vin Diesel. He's presently in Thailand promoting the movie and also challenged the entire country of Thailand which, along with "Weird Al" Yankovic's challenge of President Barack Obama, the Dalai Lama and the Pope, are likely challenges we won't see played out onscreen.