Spider-Man: The Animated Series Cast Reunites for 20th Anniversary, Announces Rocket Men

At Stan Lee's Comikaze Expo, Spider-Man: The Animated Series's cast reunited for a 20th [...]

At Stan Lee's Comikaze Expo, Spider-Man: The Animated Series's cast reunited for a 20th anniversary panel and announced that they will reunite for a new, animated project they hope to crowdfund.

Christopher Daniel Barnes (Spider-Man), Jennifer Hale (Felicia Hardy), Gary Imhoff (Harry Osborne), Rodney Saulsberry (Robbie Robertson), Gregg Berger (Mysterio and Kraven The Hunter), and Patrick Labyorteaux (Flash Thompson) attended the panel with producer and head writer John Semper, Jr., talking about the Emmy-winning series.

"It was like a radio show. We were all in the booth together and we were all interacting with each other. And you feed off of that," said Barnes, acknowledging the pressure of playing Spider-Man for a new generation, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Semper revealed that the cast, including TV legend Ed Asner, who was not in attendance, had agreed to reunite for an upcoming project titled Rocket Men, which THR says "would harken back to retro-pulp style of something like The Rocketeer."

Barnes will voice the lead character. 

THR also hints that there will be some events planned for the twentieth anniversary of Spider-Man. Semper will be posting updates on this Facebook page, as well as on this website, presumably both for Spider-Man and Rocket Men.