Stuart Little Remake In The Works

You know what hasn't been announced in a while? A remake.Sony and Red Wagon have the cure for [...]

You know what hasn't been announced in a while? A remake.

Sony and Red Wagon have the cure for what ails you: they're making a new Stuart Little!

The novel from Charlotte's Web author E.B. White spawned a three-film series the last time it went to the big screen and has seen action in the form of a small-screen animated series as well. The live-action version featured memorable performances by Geena Davis, Hugh Laurie and Michael J. Fox.

This time around? No word on a cast yet, but it will apparently be a "hybrid live-action/animation take in the vein of John Hughes," according to The Tracking Board.

The late Hughes, of course, is getting a lot of play these days. His teen classic The Breakfast Club had a theatrical reissue for its thirtieth anniversary earlier this year, and the new Spider-Man film is said to be heavily inspired by his films as well.