The Walking Dead: Watch The Most Interesting Zombie Kills

With the sixth season of The Walking Dead about to start, what better way to prep yourself for [...]

With the sixth season of The Walking Dead about to start, what better way to prep yourself for the coming season than with some particularly gruesome walker deaths? Fast Company has put together a two minute video of some of their favorite zombie deaths on The Walking Dead. The video spans walker kills from all five seasons and include zombies getting stabbed, shot, smashed to death and run over, usually with plenty of blood and guts involved. Be warned, the video contains plenty of gross and gory walker deaths, so don't watch the video around small children or those with weak stomachs.

This season of The Walking Dead will pit Rick and his friends against the mysterious Wolves, a band of dangerous humans who mark their territory by carving "W's" into walkers. Rick and his allies will also continue to integrate into the peaceful settlement of Alexandria, teaching them how to defend themselves against both human and zombie threats.

The Walking Dead begins its newest season tonight at 9 PM ET/PT on AMC. will have more coverage on The Walking Dead's premiere this evening, so be sure to visit this evening after the new episode airs. And be sure to rate The Walking Dead on our new TV Database to show how you think the show stacks up to other comic book television shows.

(via Fast Company)