The X-Files: First Look At The Return Of The Lone Gunmen

Fox has released the first look at the Lone Gunmen in the X-Files revival.Fans of the series will [...]


Fox has released the first look at the Lone Gunmen in the X-Files revival.

Fans of the series will remember the Lone Gunmen as a trio of conspiracy theorists – Byers, Langly, and Frohike – who spun-off into their own short-lived TV show. After that series was cancelled, they returned for a Season 9 episode of X-Files and died.

X-Files creator Christ Carter explained how the dearly departed Gunmen managed to make it into the revival series.

"When you're dead on the X-Files, you're never necessarily gone," told EW. "There are ways to bring people back in dream sequences, flashbacks, and the like. This was an opportunity to use them, and bring them back to the show, in what is a presumed psychedelic hallucination."

The Lone Gunmen will appear on Monday's episode of The X-Files, titled "Babylon."

The X-Files airs Mondays at 8 p.m. ET on Fox.