Trinity War Will Spin Off At Least Two New DC Comics Titles

During an interview with IGN earlier today, DC Comics editor Brian Cunningham revealed a number of [...]

Trinity War

During an interview with IGN earlier today, DC Comics editor Brian Cunningham revealed a number of Trinity War tie-ins, with Trinity of Sin: The Phantom Stranger, Trinity of Sin: Pandora and Constantine...but along the way, he also confirmed that at least two new DC titles will spin out of the events of the story. Asked whether the fallout from the crossover, which kicks off with next week's Free Comic Book Day issue, would include creative changes or new titles being introduced to the New 52 line, Cunningham said, "New titles, definitely. I'm already two scripts into one of them, and so far, it's the biggest DC story in scope that I've ever been involved with. I can say with no hyperbole that it rocks the DCU to its very core. It's that good. I wish I could say more!" Could that be the expected Trinity of Sin: The Question series? Cunningham was coy about that question, saying only that "The Question plays a key part in Trinity War. If response is positive, I'm sure anything's possible." On the matter of the tie-ins themselves, Cunningham said that they aren't essential reading, but that fans who really enjoy the Trinity War story will want to have them. "They do give more context to the larger tapestry of the story," Cunningham explained. "Constatine #5 will see John interact with Shazam — essentially two con artists trying to outwit the other, which is great fun. Phantom Stranger #11… I can't get into what that's about without spoiling Justice League #22's shocking events, but suffice to say, it puts the Stranger in an extremely difficult spot. And Pandora, as I've said, is at the heart of this crossover. She's the engine that drives it.