Upper Deck is getting into the miniatures genre with a new IP titled Deus Machina that they revealed at GAMA.
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While they haven’t unveiled the entire game yet, we do know (via ICv2) a bit about what makes the game stand out from all the other miniatures games currently in the market. The miniatures will change over time to reflect what is going on during gameplay. For example, if you roll the dice and do a significant amount of damage to one piece of the figure, that limb or appendage might be severed. You don’t just note it down on your sheet, but rather you remove the limb from the figure completely. Each miniature is about 3′, and comes with numerous detachable limbs.
Just because the creators are going for a more modern miniature approach doesn’t mean they aren’t balancing that with a refined play system. Upper Deck’s Jason Brenner elaborated a bit about Carmen Bellaire, the games designer.
“He’s done a lot of work on old style RPG games,” Brenner shared. “He’s done some work for Palladium. He’s done a lot of sourcebook writing, he’s a really talented guy. He’s designed a pretty good system here as well.”
As for a release date, the game is set to release around Gen Con of 2017, though Brenner hopes to have a Kickstarter launched soon. In the meantime hit the gallery for a few more photos.

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