Watch Stephen Amell Open Arrow Panel In Green Arrow Costume

What better way to introduce a new costume - and identity - for the star of your hit series than [...]

What better way to introduce a new costume - and identity - for the star of your hit series than having him come out on stage dressed in it? That was The CW's way of thinking when kicking off the panel for Arrow, inside of WBTV's massive panel block at Hall H at Comic-Con International: San Diego 2015. In the new duds, which feature some new armor components and a slightly brighter green, star Stephen Amell came onto the stage to welcome the crowd.

"San Diego Comic-Con, you have not failed this city!" he said in a twist of his catchphrase. "My name is Oliver Queen, but you knew that. After five years away, I came home with one goal: to save my city. Along the way, I gained a brother, I saw people I'd known my entire life become superheroes, and I fell in love," he continued. "But I lost people forever. The person that I was, and the persona that I created, failed. But Star City, not Starling City, Star City still needs saving. And all of you can bet your last dollar that me and my team will bust our asses or breathe our last breaths trying to save it. And I ask all of you to come a little bit further... with the Green Arrow!"

That's a lot of brand-new information in one short introduction: New costume, Starling City undergoing a name change (as was teased in season 3) to the comic book version, Star City, and of course Oliver's alterego now with a more colorful name, Green Arrow.

Check out our full recap of the WBTV panel, with news on Arrow, The Flash, Gotham, Supergirl, and Legends of Tomorrow right here.

Follow along with's San Diego Comic Con 2015 coverage by clicking here!