We Will See The Jewel Costume In Marvel's Jessica Jones?
It was the question everyone was asking around this time, before Daredevil was released on Netflix [...]
It was the question everyone was asking around this time, before Daredevil was released on Netflix - "What does the costume look like." Now, fans of Jessica Jones are wondering the same thing, will we, or won't we see the Jewel costume?
We're going to put a slight spoiler warning, since the show doesn't debut on Netflix for a few days (November 20th, for those asking).
According to a report it looks like there is a flashback scene that features Trish Walker (who we're betting becomes Hellcat) trying to convince the super-powered Jessica to put on a spandex suit. In the scene, Jess mentions she isn't the spandex type.
So while it's not the bright white spandex, and big pink hair, comic fans will get a wink and a nod to Jessica's comic roots.
Fun fact: Jewel was actually first introduced within the pages of Brian Michael Bendis & Michael Gaydos' Alias series by Marvel. Her backstory was filled in as the series went on, but she wasn't around as a hero in comics during the 80s.
What do you think of the news ComicBook.com fans? Are you still holding out hope that we'll see Jewel in all her glory? Let us know in the comments below.
Also - want to know what we thought of the first episode? Check out our review.