Wonder Woman Gal Gadot's Controversial TV Commercial

Gal Gadot has found herself in a bit of controversy due to a commercial she shot for an Israeli [...]

Gal Gadot's Controversial Commercial

Gal Gadot has found herself in a bit of controversy due to a commercial she shot for an Israeli fashion company. The commercial is part of an ongoing deal she has had with the company, Castro, since 2008. The commercial has Gadot pulling on a pair of jeans and then "twerking," along with two other women. The Israeli financial newspaper Globes (via The Hollywood Reporter) reported that The Second Authority for Television and Radio in Israel says that they have received several complaints that the commercial objectifies women and is inappropriate for daytime television, which the organization ruled as unfounded. Gadot addressed the issue on Israel's Channel 2 News:

"I am very much in favor of women's rights, being a woman myself, and I support intelligent, successful, independent working women. I shot the commercial from a place of having fun and amusement. Not every commercial comes with a certain agenda. For me, it was fun, and I had no intention of hurting anyone."

Her actions are to come under increased scrutiny now that she has landed the role of feminist icon Wonder Woman in the upcoming Batman vs. Superman film.

"No matter what I do, there will always be those who will love it and those who won't. So I keep on going my way, and whoever is with me, they're with me."

Coincidentally, Marvel movie star Scarlett Johansson found herself in a similar spot regarding a controversial Super Bowl advertisement.