With the big battle between Woodbury and Rick Grimes’s group of survivors happening on tonight’s episode, AMC’s The Walking Dead is now a little less than halfway through the comics’s 108-issue run (the Woodbury finale happened in #48). They’ve varied wildly from the comic book source material, with certain scenes and characters playing out wildly differently onscreen from the way they did on the page.But which scenes from the comics were really missed?Note: We only took things from the first 48 issues and we only took the ones we think the door is basically closed on from this point. Certain events could still happen, and those we left out.And, obviously–spoilers.1. Rick Goes Back For Zombie ShaneThe impact of Shane’s reanimation and his second death is diminished somewhat in the TV series.In the comics, nobody knew when Shane died that he would reanimate–so they buried him like you do when your loved ones die. After Rick learned the truth, he returned to Shane’s grave, waited for the walker to emerge, and re-killed him. The monologue Rick delivered went a long way toward defining their relationship–and some of that was carried into the show, but the exact scenario obviously wasn’t.2. Lori’s DeathSure, Lori died in the TV series–but it wasn’t quite as sudden or shocking as it was in the comics.The death-in-battle, and the death of the baby by extension…well, it might still happen for Judith, but for Lori? Well, it was a bit of an anticlimax for fans of the comics.
The Walking Dead: Five Iconic Scenes From the Comics That Didn’t Make the Show
With the big battle between Woodbury and Rick Grimes’s group of survivors happening on tonight’s […]